FOCUSZART The Focusing Studio
A Place For Felt Arts
We make space for arts in Focusing and Focusing related fields of psychotherapy, counseling, education, community wellness, cultural creativity and mindfulness
We use three pathways for person-centered and experiential arts engagement: Expressive Arts Focusing, Arts To Focusing Joy and Creative Compassion
Expressive Arts Focusing
Take benefit from our expertise in Expressive Arts Focusing for personal growth and healing
Processing growth is finding shifts in problem solving and becoming more effective in the doing. Processing healing is finding inner peace through making friends with emotional wounds of the present and the past
We offer trauma-informed Expressive Arts Focusing ExAF for clinical and non-clinical settings online and in person. To add you to the ExAF notification list please click the button below
Arts To Focusing Joy
Focusing Joy is the joy of owning your being-and-becoming. You are the person you are, and you are all the infinite possiblities moving you into some more creative you
We teach you how to get access to Focusing Joy through help you make arts that get you unstuck. To add you to the Arts To Focusing Joy AFJ notification list please click the button below
FOCUSZART The Focusing Studio - Home ©Mathilde Langevin
Creative Compassion
Get in touch with Focusing-informed Creative Compassion Practice for relational empowerment and peace building
To add you to the CCP notification list please click the button below
FOCUSZART The Focusing Studio - Home Press Photo ©Gabriel Holom
Art your life. Start your practice today
We operate online from GER
FOCUSZART The Focusing Studio
Hirschauer Str. 50 | D-72070 Tübingen | 0049 1757228458 |
International Memberships TIFI, IAFOTs, IAETA, PCE, EFA, BFA, APCCA