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Arts To Focusing Joy (AFJ for short) is making arts that get you unstuck

Consistency of Focusing Joy

Focusing Joy is the joy of owning your creative being-and-becoming


Focusing Joy is to be found in the one place that is always there for you. You can't miss it. It's your living body. Actually you are your living body


Your living body is a being-and-becoming, means: There is more than just a body that 'is' or 'lives'. The living body is no physical thing nor some existential dimension. The living body is a moving forward towards something and a pointing towards something that always is a new becoming


You may loose Focusing Joy now and then along with loosing connection to you being your body. You may come to moments where you cannot feel the body from within. But as the living body is always there, is always you, you can find back to feeling your body and the space inside of your body that is home. You can find back to Focusing Joy by doing arts that come directly from your body

Infinite Possibilities

Your Body has infinite possibilities of forwarding a More of aliveness. Your aliveness has infinite possiblities to show up and get expressed. Artistic expressions have infinite possiblities as invitation

The moment your are expressing yourself through arts that come from the body, you are connected to a multitude of infinite possibilities


Access to all of these possiblities goes along with a joy that only you can have. It's the joy of being your creative living forward

Felt Sense: Your Art Buddy

Your Felt Sense or body sense is a vage kinaesthetic body feeling inside, giving information of how it is like to live a situation


The body sense is owned by your body to hundred percent. It is stronger by nature than set up intentions, self-doubts or the Inner Critic


Your body wants you to live, that's what your body is made for. To make you live, your body sense is serving you. The body sense is supporting all parts of you to make you grow ... even when you feel stuck or suffer from self-doubts

For to make you grow, your body is highly creative in getting negative conversations inside silenced down. In fact your body is supportive in transforming your negative conversations first and for the most. For that your body allows you to receive ongoing information coming freshly  from Felt Sense



The voice of your inner artist is expressing in many artist voices. It's perhaps the most vulnerable part of you and the part that speaks your most genuine language of evolution. Pursuing what is the most of you needs the strongest kind of support possible. Strongest support is support from inside-out and outside-in. The inside-out support happens when your inner artist is getting uplifted through what is called experiential arts

Felt Arts

Felt Arts (our term for experiential arts) are coming from the body. They are generating from bodily being-and-becoming, and they are leading to a next being-and-becoming. This next always feels fresh.


Experiential Felt Arts get you unstuck. They are moving forward, pointing to a More of what is activating your inner artist to get stronger and stronger. This forward moving is unstoppable


Listening to your Felt Sense (body sense) while engaging with the arts, you are landing at a place that feels like spark-land. You are going to find powerful, personal art expression and creative highlights


The more you are creating along the pathways of Felt Arts, the more you notice your inner voices being transformed. They are changing. They change from doubts to advisors you do not want to miss on your journey towards landscapes of spark-land

Creative Spark-Land

Artistic talent has nothing to do with coming to a place that feels like spark-land. What is needed is to know about three basic principles of artmaking (support from outside) and to process them bodily (support from inside). You are supported by art information and carried further by art experiencing. Both helping systems make your art bolder and more you


The three art principles are do-able for any person no matter what previor artistic knowledge (or no knowledge) is at stock. Processing them bodily keeps your inner artist up. This might be important at some times, as taking artistic risks can make you feel vulnerable and looking for support. As a side effect you will create artwork you love

Guidance to Focusing Joy

We teach you the three main principles of artmaking (design, value and color) and guide you through your steps of processing them towards the land of your Focusing Joy (outside-in support). Focusing Joy is different for each of us, so there is nor right or wrong in where you are landing


Exploring arts that you love surpasses the average. It turns creative spark to personal radiance: You are doing arts that is-and-becoming the most of you

Arts To Focusing Joy Practices

  • Embodied Doodling: spontaneous repetitive art activity, warm-up for creating experiential artwork

  • Body based Abstract Painting: Enhancing your aesthetic feeling through taking artistic risks from body wisdom

  • Experiential Collaging: Finding and expressing aesthetic meaning through outside-in and inside-out felt sensing

  • Expressive Portraits: Getting mirrored by your inner artist's loving eye, getting a new sense of yourself as artist-of-becoming

  • Experiential Hand Lettering: Getting connected to aesthetic meaning through exploring letter character and composition

  • Museum Art-Based Engagement: Getting hold of aesthetic connections that respond to your artistic self, nourishing the inner artist

  • Dynamic Shape Drawing (DSD): Getting centered through drawing rhythmical moving and swinging lines from patterns of lombard braid design

  • Bilateral Body Mapping/Guided Drawing®: Releasing creative trauma and stoppages of self-actualizing