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ExAF Virtual Open Studio

What you get from ExAF Studio Time

Expressive Arts Focusing ExAF Virtual Open Studio is a space to support you in expressing creatively in a Focusing-informed way

We invite you to focus on your own wellbeing. You will get inspiration and inputs on how to use Felt Arts for to focus with yourself or for to work with clients as side-effect

We start with a mindful tuning in, and you will be guided through Focusing-informed Felt Arts activities

You will be going to explore and experiment with various kinds of intermodal expression coming from the Body Sense/Felt Sense (this sense is a kinaesthetic feeling felt from the inside)

Every meeting holds a theme-directed input being announced in the monthly Virtual Open Studio notifications


Time: Fridays 1 x / month, @3:00 pm - 4.30 pm EST / @8:00 pm - 9.30 pm BST

Duration: 1,5 hours (2 learning units)

Next: October 4, 2024

Zoom: No waiting room, you have direct access and can settle down

Tickets: 20 Eur/ticket. Use THIS Paypal email adress to pay AFTER invoice: focusing-tuebingen@email.de


Will you join us? We are so excited to have you with us!


Click the button STUDIO NOTIFICATIONS to get informed about the date of your next ExAF Studio Time

After suscribing you are going to get a notification of the current month 1 week before studio day with a link to sign up for your zoom ticket


There will be no recordings due to German Data Protection Laws (DSGVO)

Please notice: No screenshots of participants or their artwork allowed due to DSGVO!

ExAF Studio Time


ExAF Studio Time


Discount of 5 Eur for signing up for a bundle of 5 Studio Times (to take within 1 year)

For Ticket use form. Chart is deactivated

Sign up with the form and get your seat

Put STUDIO with capital letters into Message*

You get your ExAF Studio Time confirment and PayPal invoice when 4-6 participants have signed up

On studio day tickets can still be booked up to 1 hour before starting time!

In case you have payed and can't attend, please email us up to 24 hours before starting time. Only then your ticket stays valid, and you can use it for an ExAF Virtual Open Studio at some other month

How to get the most from it

Zoom space: Please check in 5-10 minutes before start and get settled

Set your art table: We ask you to have your favourite art supplies at hand and organize your desk to art table. Declutter items that remind you of office work

Close open browser taps except zoom on your computer, laptop or tablet and shut down your cell phone to help you stay in focus

Place an item linked to wellbeing (candle, flower, plant, symbol for power animal, crystals etc) on your art table to create a sacred space supporting you when setting up your creative intention

All kinds of art supplies are welcome

- List with suggested art supplies coming soon -

During studio time we will be listening to music to juice our flow of creativity

We ask you to play the tune you get to listen to by your own audio system while staying muted in zoom

Music for JOY

World Music by Rising Appalachia


Music (instrumental) by Peder B. Helland

Music for DANCING

Guem & Zaka Percussion


Over The Rainbow



©P. Du Perez/Unsplash