ExAF 1:1 Sessions

Expressive Arts Focusing in Clinical Settings

We offer two therapeutic pathways of Expressive Arts Focusing ExAF

  • Focusing informed Art Therapy: Therapeutic artmaking from the body sense. Focusing is used to get started and to reflect the artwork
  • Focusing Therapy with the Creative and Expressive Arts: Focusing Oriented Psychotherapy FOT with intervals of expressing the Felt Sense through artmaking

We are happy to be there for you

Getting Relational in ExAF 1:1 Settings

ExAF activities are facilitated by the therapist but start from the body sense of the client/practitioner

Practitioners are experts of their own processing and direction of development. They are co-creative partners in finding out what therapeutic practices are most inducive for their moving forward

This working model is highly experiential and person-centred, and functions best with a wide range of methods being offered by the therapist to match individual needs

ExAF in Counseling, Coaching and Supervision

We offer two formats of non-clinical support

  • ExAF and Positive Art based Counseling for Existential Wellbeing: We cross ExAF with Positive Psychology and the Cultural and Creative Arts to help you find your life-work balance. We fascilitate doable steps towards authentic joyful living
  • ExAF based Supervision for professionals and volonteers in the helping fields (psychosocial, therapeutic, health care, pastoral). We provide expertise for finding clarity in complex issues


Additionally, we offer

We are happy to be there for you

FOCUSZART The Focusing Studio - Expressive Arts Focusing Application ©Tylor Richardson/Unsplash

Connect to your art. Find your authentic self


We operate online from GER

FOCUSZART The Focusing Studio

Hirschauer Str. 50 | D-72070 Tübingen | 0049 1757228458

focuszart@email.de | https://artsfocusing.com

International Memberships TIFI, IAFOTs, IEATA, APCCA, PCE, EFA, BFA