ExAF in Continuing Education
Stoppages and dead-end situations in continuing education benefit from imaginary space and alternative world experiences
Practitioners/learners can find real life solutions through unexpected and unpredictable experiences that are affective, sensory based and playful
Expressive Arts Focusing ExAF brings about such experiences. Experiential Arts from the body sense can open up to shifts in structure-bound learning behavior and experiencing that otherwise stay stuck
The process is carried forward through circular loops of aesthetic experiencing, expressing and finding meaning. The outcome is improvement in self-regulation and self-empowerment
FOCUSZART The Focusing Studio - Expressive Arts Focusing Application ©Tylor Richardson/Unsplash
Find your way out. Move forward with the arts
We operate online from GER
FOCUSZART The Focusing Studio
Hirschauer Str. 50 | D-72070 Tübingen | 0049 1757228458
focuszart@email.de | https://artsfocusing.com
International Memberships TIFI, IAFOTs, IEATA, APCCA, PCE, EFA, BFA